The Import Queue lists all of the trial balance files that have been added to General Ledger Manager and that await import into the application or other disposition. The list of files is sorted in ascending alphanumeric order by trial balance file name. You can click the File column heading to toggle the list between ascending and descending alphanumeric order. You can also sort the list by Arrival Date/Time of the files on the queue by clicking in this column heading.
The name of the File, the Arrival Date/Time of the file in the Import Queue, and format validation status is displayed for each trial balance file on the Import Queue.
Importing trial balance files into General Ledger Manager is a two-step process in which trial balance files must first be added to the Import Queue and then, if they pass file format validation, you can import them. The Import Queue also enables you to do both of these functions.
In addition to viewing and searching the list of trial balances, you can do all of the following in the Import Queue:
Each time you add a trial balance file, General Ledger Manager returns you to the Import Queue where you can see the newly added file in the list along with its validation results.